Our Story
The story of Edison’s Light starts with the birth of our beautiful son Edison on 26th September 2022. At just 27 weeks, he was born pre-term and with a condition called Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Although both he and the neonatal team at QMC fought as hard as they could, less than 24 hours later our baby boy passed away in our arms.
His death was without doubt the most heart-breaking thing we have ever experienced, however the second most was having to tell his older brother Conner, that Edison would not be coming home with us. Finding the words to explain what had happened and why was almost impossible. Conner, like us, had been excited for Edison to be coming home and joining our family, had been looking forward to making all those memories we can often take for granted. Although still only a child himself, he too had to grieve the loss of his brother and navigate a complex spectrum of emotion.
Finding ways to support him, whilst also dealing with our own grief was very difficult. Nobody wants to have to go online and look for resources to explain these things, but that is what we had to do, as although there were resources available in hospital for grieving parents there seemed to be a lack of them aimed at siblings.
So, we decided that we wanted to fill that gap by creating sibling support packs to help families when they are faced with miscarriage, termination for medical reasons (TFMR), stillbirth and neonatal death. The packs provided to the hospital will give families support when they need it most. Each pack contains a bear and resources to help support children with and through their grief. There is also a range of books, which the families can choose from to best support their individual circumstances. Whilst we never want a family to be in a position where they need one of these packs, we hope that when they do it helps in some small way.

Meet the team

Laura & Steve, Edison's mum and dad.
Founding Trustees

Edison's brother & sister
As well as founding trustees Laura and Steve, we also have the following trustees.


